HOME > Mail address offer service


  Mail address offer service

Initial introduction expense is ZERO!
7,020JPY / 1 Year for Annual amount use account charge.
2,160JPY / 1 Year for Annual amount use forward option.

Mail address offer service is the service which offers the mail address using the domain name "NAME @nippondata.ne.jp" of DAWN WebService unlike "Lite Hosting Service" which transmits by preparing a mail address using the original domain which a customer wishes. It is the service for which a mail address uses two or more mail addresses with the case where only one is offered, a family, etc., from a provider when required.

As for the character of "@" left portion, you are freely decided using a half-size alphanumeric character and ". (dot)", "- (hyphen)" and "_ (under bar)." Moreover, if a mail transfer option is chosen, the mail which arrived to the favorite mail address can be transmitted.
Domestic Domain Acquisition Service
Overseas Domain Acquisition Service

Mail Address Offer Service
Lite Hosting Service
Web Redirect Service

Hosting Service
Multi Hosting Service
Hosting Optional Service

Housing Service

(WHOIS) Check of a Domain Registration Situation

Detailed Information & Glossary
Service Charge List
Handling Domain List

NOTES... 1. The number of the mail addresses offered with this service is one. 2. In use, a transmission place mail address can be registered for "the mail transfer service Option" to ten affairs in total. 3. When you want to change a mail address, the "mail forward service option" is used and you want to perform an addition, deletion and to make a change of a forward place mail address, it can perform from a "member service site." (In requesting these work from us, it takes 1,080JPY per one setup separately.) 4. Please look at a "Lite Hosting Service" page to use the mail transfer service which acquired the original domain and used the original domain. 5. There is no offer of an access point with this service. It is the requisite that the environment which a visitor can already connect to the Internet is prepared.

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